About me

About me

Hey! Nice to e-meet you 🙂 I’m a millennial single mom from Vancouver, Canada. Throughout my journey as a single parent to two kids, I’ve learned so much about managing personal finances, how to invest smartly, and navigating this new chapter in life.  I’ve made some mistakes along the way, and learned a whole ton about how to build wealth as a solo parent (yes, it’s possible!). My passion is to share my experience in investing, personal finance, and my journey with other single parents. 

My divorce story

My colourful story as a single mom started a few years ago when my ex-spouse and I decided to separate. I became the primary caregiver to our two young children overnight. Life as I had known it shattered, and my world was turned upside down. It was a HARD time getting through those first few months: adjusting to being the sole parent, running the house (and every day life) by myself, feeling ashamed of the unfamiliar new identity as a separated person, and navigating the mess that comes with separation and divorce.

Slowly but surely, I started to adjust. My kids and I created our own rhythm and routines. We made new core memories together. I’ve come to embrace and love my identity as a confident, independent single mom. I was proud of myself for overcoming big and small milestones – I still remember the moment I finally managed to successfully change the dead lightbulb in my stove range hood. I used to always leave the house stuff to my ex to take care of as I wasn’t particularly handy. It took me 3 trips to Home Depot to get the right lightbulbs and then figure out how to install them. This may seem insignificant to most people, but it was a HUGE personal milestone for me. I’ve since successfully installed outdoor security cameras, put up Christmas lights, and even took the kids on a family trip, all by myself. It was empowering!

Single parent finance & investing journey

I was not savvy or smart with personal finance at all when I first became a single mom. Prior to that, I went through life with an attitude of “I guess things will somehow be ok as long as I wasn’t gambling away my money.” I managed to save and invest consistently throughout my working years into mutual funds. I didn’t question my mutual fund manager on my investments’ performance compared to other investment options, what their fee was, and whether those investment funds still made sense given my goals and timeline. I wasn’t tracking my spending, nor did I have a budget. I had zero clue about better investment options out there, and the much better returns I can get. I didn’t know what an ETF was, that “FIRE” was a thing (Financial Independence, Retire Early), nor that keeping cash in my bank’s savings account yielding 0.3% interest was atrocious. I had no idea if I would have enough for retirement. 

Being thrown into single parenthood forced me to take a hard look at my finances – I was responsible for keeping me and my kids and alive, afterall, on mostly one income. I learned about budgeting. I learned about TFSAs, RRSPs, and RESPs. I learned about the power of time and compounding for investments. I learned about investment platforms, robo-advisors, DIY investing, asset allocation, high yield savings accounts, and tax-efficient strategies. I also made and learned from my mistakes along the way.

Financially independent single mom

I mastered how to spend less and save more as a single parent. Today, I’m proud to share that I’ve increased my net worth by 40% in less than 4 years. The growth across my TFSA accounts averaged 28% last year. My goal is to reach 1 million in total net worth in 3 years’ time. I’m also on track to be financially independent, build wealth, retire comfortably before 65.

The 3 key principles I live by in my wealth building journey as a single parent

1. Live below your means
2. Save aggressively
3. Invest smartly

My passion is to share my experience and journey to financial independence with single parents in Canada, and help you be financially literate, build wealth, and thrive as a single parent.


If I could pick up the pieces of my life after separation and get to where I’m at today, I truly believe you can, too!

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